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We offer full legal support in the immigration process for Brazilians and Portuguese citizens wishing to move or invest in Brazil and Portugal.

D7 Visa – Self-Sufficiency

The D7 visa is for retirees or individuals with their own income, regardless of age. Income can include retirement, pensions, rental properties, financial investments, etc.

Income includes: retirement, pensions, rented properties, financial investments, among others.

The base values ​​for granting the visa and subsequent residence permit are based on the minimum wage in Portugal in force at the time the application is submitted:

  • 1st adult – 100% of the minimum salary
  • 2nd adult – 50% of the minimum salary
  • Each child – 30% of the minimum salary

As there is discretion in the analysis and granting of visas, it is recommended that the interested party has reasonable savings, plus a guaranteed and proven monthly income

Process steps

  1. 1. Obtain the D7 Visa The first stage takes place while still in Brazil, with the gathering of the necessary documents and the submission of the visa application, which will be analyzed by the Portuguese Consulate in Brazil, which will issue the residence visa.
  2. 2. Residence Authorization The second stage takes place in Portugal. The visa holder already in Portuguese territory must go to the Immigration and Borders Service and submit their application for a residence permit.


Residence visas are initially valid for 120 days, during which time the holder must enter Portuguese territory and apply for a residence permit. This, in turn, is initially valid for 2 years and is then renewed for periods of 3 years. After 5 years of regular residence in Portugal, the applicant can apply for Portuguese nationality by length of residence.

D2 Visa - Entrepreneur

The D2 visa is for entrepreneurial immigrants who wish to invest in Portugal, provided that:

a) have carried out investment operations; or

b) Prove that they have financial means available in Portugal, including those resulting from financing obtained from a financial institution in Portugal, and demonstrate, by any means, the intention to carry out an investment operation in Portuguese territory; or

c) Develop an entrepreneurial project, including the creation of an innovative company, integrated into a certified incubator under the terms defined by the Portuguese State

This visa, issued by the Portuguese Consulate in Brazil, is necessary for the applicant to enter Portuguese territory in order to apply for a residence permit with the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF).

Work-seeking visa

The work search visa allows the holder to enter and stay in Portuguese territory for the purpose of looking for work for a period of 120 days, extendable for a further 60 days.

Once the employment relationship has been established and formalized (formalized employment contract), the applicant can apply for a residence permit.

If the visa holder has not established an employment relationship by the end of the maximum period of validity of the work permit, the visa holder must leave the country and can only reapply for a new work permit one year after the expiry of the previous visa.

Golden Visa

The so-called Golden Visa or Residence Permit for Investment (ARI) allows foreign investors to apply for a residence permit directly in Portugal without having to obtain a visa in their country of origin.

It is a type of temporary residence permit for foreign citizens who wish to invest in Portugal.

Benefits include of Visa Golden

  • Residence and work in Portugal with a minimum stay of 7 days per year;
  • Move around the countries of the European Union without the need for a visa;
  • Family reunification benefit, including extension to stable unions;
  • Eligibility for permanent residency or Portuguese nationality after 5 years.

Visa duration

2 years, renewable for periods of 3 years.

Renewal process

Stay at least 7 days a year.

Who can apply

Foreigners whose investment activity in Portugal leads to one of the following situations for a minimum period of five years can apply for the Golden Visa: :

  • Buying property worth 500,000 euros or more;
  • Transferring capital of 1.5 million euros or more;
  • Create at least 10 jobs;
  • Acquire real estate, whose construction has been completed for, at least, 30 years or located in an urban rehabilitation area and carry out rehabilitation works on the real estate acquired, for a total amount equal to or greater than 350 thousand euros;
  • Transferring capital in an amount equal to or greater than 500 thousand euros, which is applied to research activities carried out by public or private scientific research institutions, integrated into the Portuguese scientific and technological system;
  • Transferring capital in the amount of 250 thousand euros or more, which is invested or supported in artistic production, recovery or maintenance of Portuguese cultural heritage, through central and peripheral direct administration services, public institutes, entities that are part of the public business sector, public foundations, private foundations with public utility status, intermunicipal entities, entities that are part of the local business sector, entities municipal associations and public cultural associations, which pursue tasks in the area of artistic production, recovery or maintenance of Portuguese cultural heritage;
  • Transferring capital in the amount of 500 thousand euros or more, intended for the acquisition of participation units in investment funds or venture capital funds aimed at the capitalization of companies, which are constituted under Portuguese legislation, whose maturity, at the time of the investment, is at least five years and at least 60% of the value of the investments is made in commercial companies based in Portuguese territory;
  • Transferring capital in the amount of 500 thousand euros or more, intended for the incorporation of a commercial company with its head office in Portuguese territory, combined with the creation of five permanent jobs, or for the reinforcement of the share capital of a commercial company with its head office in Portuguese territory, already incorporated, with the creation or maintenance of jobs, with a minimum of five permanent jobs, and for a minimum period of three years;

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